A variety of special and promotional financing available, subject to approved credit.
While repairing an older, less efficient system costs less than upgrading to a newer more efficient model, it may cost more in the long run when you factor in the often more frequent repair bills and higher energy bills you shell out for your older unit.
Common reasons yourheater may fail |
A faulty pump or other electrical part, a dead blower capacitor, or an improperly calibrated furnace are all reasons we get calls when a heater goes out. However, the majority of our calls are due to lack of maintenance and dirty systems. If your heat goes out, give us a call. To prevent a no-heat situation, a low-cost annual inspection is highly recommended, and especially for snow birds to prevent freezing of water pipes during the winter. |
How To Prevent a frozenAC line |
Losing your ac on a hot summer day can be a nightmare. While it’s hard to believe your AC can freeze in the heat, it’s actually a common, but often preventable problem. Start by keeping your system’s evaporator coils clean and by changing the filters every one to three months. In general, your outside unit should be free of any debris, and always schedule regular maintenance annually. |
Optimal thermostatsetting for winter |
For maximum savings and comfort, the thermostat setting for winter months should be adjusted according to your habits. We recommend setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and then adjusting when home. You can also see a substantial savings (15% or more) in your heating bill by turning your thermostat down 10 or more degrees at night. |
How smart thermostatsreally save you money |
Any thermostat will save you money by setting temperatures higher during cooling and lower during heating. But a smart thermostat does it better than any human can, even better than those with programmable thermostats because it never forgets! It detects when you are home, when you leave and it knows when you sleep. We can help you decide if a smart thermostat is “smart” for your home, call us today. |
How often should Ichange my filters? |
Simply put, clean filters save you money while dirty filters cause your system to work harder and use more energy. Also, even in the most immaculate homes, air filters improve air quality, helping those who may suffer from asthma and allergies. While every home is different, a good rule of thumb is to change filters every 1 to 3 months and watch for signs that your filter may need replacing (excessive dust, system running more often or visibly dirty filter). |
Warning Signs yourHeating And/Or ACis about to break |
Typically, a good working heating or ac unit keeps you comfortable and is quiet and odorless. Poor performance, unpleasant odors and strange noises coming from your system are all signs your system may completely fail soon. Also, if you have noticed a lot of dust in the air, or a rise in utility bills, if may be time to contact us to avoid a no-heat and no-air situation. |